Monday, July 28, 2014

my family erased

An entire branch erased. Across generations. A grandmother. Pregnant mothers. Toddlers. Beautiful little boys. 

A tragedy. That cannot be justified. No matter how many screens they place before the truth. Even the blind can feel the rumbling beneath their feet.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

public forum

Someone took the time to post a comment. Someone cared enough. They didn't sign it or write something irrelevant - they shared their opinion on the art. 

It says: kittens and daisies are not audacious.

And I totally agree. Get over yourself hipster artist. Ironic art is as expressive as Lady Gaga's meat outfit. Read the Bhagavad Gita why don't you. It's not truth if your intent is a response, if it's about prioritizing the fruits of your labor before the art, shining a spotlight on your ego. 

Poster, consider your post liked.