Saturday, September 23, 2006


So many cute things to see here. Look at that hair! Just like her aunt's. And then we are playing Pretty Pretty Princess, where as you land on the different squares, you get to put on another piece of jewelry. That's a girls' game if there was ever one! But fear not, these girls will not be too girlie- they are surrounded by women who were not ever girlie girls. So, I'm actually glad they are enjoying being girls without thinking too hard about it. But then again, Rawan's only three. There's plenty of time to come up with personal philosophies about who she wants to be.

On the wall behind her are the picures that Iman, mostly, has drawn And they get taped up all over this room. The family room, as it should be.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable! Her smile is very contagious and that unmistakable hair halo!!!!!