Thursday, February 12, 2009

david lynch

An interesting and meditative book on creativity by David Lynch. One of my favorite parts-

"Through meditation one realizes the unbounded. That which is unbounded is happy. There is no happiness in the small."

Little fish swim on the surface, but the big ones swim down below. If you can expand the container you're fishing in- your consciousness-you can catch bigger fish... You catch ideas at a deeper level. And creativity really flows. It makes life more like a fantastic game.

(back to me) Otherwise, glad to see the sun when I leave work in the afternoon. It's good to see the open skies from work- it feels like it's been a while since the sky looked so expansive, perhaps more to do with my inner state than anything in the outside world. Which brings us again to the David Lynch book- the expansion of the inner world, my favorite activity...

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