Friday, September 04, 2009

americanos and summer

It seems only appropriate that I should mention coffees again on the last day of summer hours, the last half day, the last day of a summer vacation in which I did not partake.

Americanos- the answer to my coffee needs- two shots of espresso with hot water. None of the back-of-the-mouth taste, the puckering of lips and the grimace that come with drip coffee. Only the appropriate bitterness (not all is bad- pecans can be bitter, yet enjoyable, for example) that comes with good espresso. No dairy since I'm on a dairy vacation- although I do check in regularly because I love cheese! Americanos are the solution to a problem I feared would only be resolved with me leaving coffee behind completely.

These afternoons were spent walking around the city, hangin in Hoboken, drinking coffees (you know I don't mean drip), working on my projects.

Unfortunately my projects are mid-stream, and my goal of finishing before the end of summer (not official, physical summer) can no longer be met. But there will be weekends and cold long nights of winter.

Fall's almost here!! LOVE the fall feeling!!

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