From The Childhood of Jesus by Coetzee:
... Twins are naturally fond of each other, like the star twins. If they were not, then they might go wandering off separately and be lost in the sky. But their love for each other holds them together. It will go on holding them together until the end of time.
But they are not together, the star twins, not really together.
No, that is true, they are not tight up against each other in the sky, there is a tiny gap between them. That is the way of nature. Think of lovers. If lovers were tight up against each other all the time they would no longer need to love each other. They would be one. There would be nothing for them to want. That is why nature has gaps. If everything were packed tightly together, everything in the universe, then there would be no you or me or Ines. You and I would not be talking to each other right now, there would just be silence - oneness and silence. So, on the whole, it is good that there should be gaps between things, that you and I should be two instead of one.