Monday, January 06, 2014


In a time filled with thoughts of New Year's resolutions, of which I am a HUGE fan, I have eaten fortune cookies on 2 occasions. And on both occasions, I received essentially the same message. Now I am not a believer of the fortune cookie nonsense, but I think I am hearing something I need to seriously consider:

A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.

The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.

Which risks have I been avoiding? Are there opportunities I have unknowingly rejected? Am I so risk averse I've lost sight of where I fit on the spectrum? 

OK, universe - eyes wide, heart tender, arms open. Ready. 

1 comment:

Ariana said...

"...eyes wide, heart tender, arms open. Ready." What a beautiful sentiment :)