Friday, October 03, 2008

lapel pins

I love Obama, but a double flag pin??

Since when is Israel the official second half of the US of A?

Does this not bother anyone here?

Since we're on the subject of politics, a couple of points from last night's VP debates:
- I thought Biden did a great job when he used the word "maverick", he did not skirt around it, he took it on and showed how ridiculous it was. If they want to pretend McCain's a cowboy, well, I guess they need to see how absurd it is to hear others call him a cowboy.
- Palin tried to pull out her aces, using the "I'm from a cozy little state" and "I'm down with the people" and all of those little trick that seem to work on the American public. And Biden was right there with her- talking about his family, but not in the same tone. And from what I saw on tv today, when his voice cracked yesterday when he talked mentioned his late wife and child, the Palin audience boo-ed him. Didn't anyone teach them maners? Respect your opponent, have some integrity, all of that?
- I love the fact checking that Biden did. Palin wasn't in a position to do that- she doesn't know enough of the history. But Biden could call her on each of the mistakes- and could point out that for the very same thing she was accusing Obama of having voted badly on, McCain had voted the same way. She didn't finish her homework- she only looked up the encyclopedia entry on Obama!

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