introducing Bayaan:
Rawan taking a moment to meditate (chanting ommm) while her mom straightens her hair for the special occasion:
Iman and Rawan in response to "pose like adults":
the girls (on Bayaan's first gift from Khalto Rana):
And their creations- first Iman's coupons (more like gift certificates)- note the bar codes. The one she made for herself was a "going to bed early" coupon while she gave her sister a chore ("making the table at dinner")!
The video game she created (with different "screens" for the different games that you can flip in and out of place and the two player joysticks).
And Rawan's mini table (with a turkey on top you can't see) and chair (made of paper)-I love miniature things!:
the mini theme continues: this mini birthday party tucked away in a corner of the room, the entire thing set in the molding around the room (what is that called?)- my favorite part is the the banner that says "happy birthday monkey boy- name Duncan", but I love the mini-streamers and the mini-presents all lined up, carefully hand-crafted one by one
They are constantly making and playing and singing and going and going and going and cooing over their sister (Rawan: ooohhh, you have the cutest little socks on, yes Boon-Boon).
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